Wednesday, April 2, 2008

OK, I'll give this a try....

But I honestly can't imagine why anyone would want to know what I think. Maybe I'll just post some observations, I do seem to come into contact with some interesting people and situations... more on that later (now, I've piqued your interest!)

Did you ever wonder (no, I'm not going to do Andy Rooney - hehe!).... so, did you ever wonder why you believe what you believe? For example, I know this woman who believes that when we've used up all the oil & gas reserves, the earth is going to collapse in on itself, and that teriffic, final collapse will be the huge earthquakes mentioned in Revelation... She believes this with such fervor, with no scientific proof, and I wonder why? Who told her there were pools of oil and caverns filled with natural gas holding up the earth's crust, and why did she believe that unlikely (and most definitely untrue!) story? Did she jump to that faulty conclusion based upon limited facts and little or no logic? I've tried to describe to her in layman's term the mechanisms by which oil & gas are recovered, and how they are trapped inside the rocks, not in pools or caverns....but no amount of explanation convinces her, regardless of the logic... I wonder, did someone purposefully mislead her, or did she come to these conclusions on her own, and more importantly, what else could she be misled into believing?

Now I'm not a scientist, by any stretch of the imagination, but I am fairly intelligent (OK, OK, I scored way high on the Mensa exams....) So, when I come across something that is a 'given' or 'that's the way it is' or a 'they say...' I tend to try to figure out why people think the things they do, if I'm at all curious about the subject. (Some subjects don't interest me in the least, so I just ignore them....hehe!) So, maybe this blog can be about some of the random things I've learned in my mental wanderings, trying to figure out "Where do they come up with this stuff???"

My personal beliefs have been overturned, turned inside out, tossed aside, picked up, dusted off, re-examined, refurbished, reformed and reclaimed many times throughout my life. There is always more information to be considered and there are increasingly more experiences to rely upon. Flexibility in life is essential....

OK, OK, enough already! I hope I haven't bored you so much you never return to my ramblings.... Now, home to play with my dog! Toodles! (no that's not the dog' name...hehe!)


... said...

Yay! I have a sister on the internet (and by that I mean, biological sister, not the slang term...)!

Imagine that!


I like what you've started with. I've had a similar journey in my mind, and I look forward to seeing some of your thoughts an observations.

SisterOne said...

Hey now, I've been ON the internet for a long, long time, I just usually don't leave any tracks.... (remember, I bought my first computer in 1993, and I still have my original email address!)