Sunday, June 22, 2008


There are those times when you must make choices.... You know, we call them crossroads of life. I'm at one of those times, when I'm just not sure which road to take. I feel like I've pulled off the highway of life, and I'm busily searching the map to find out where to go from here. Fortunately, I don't have a deadline, and I'm not holding up traffic while I'm making my choice. So, I can take my time, do my 'homework' as it were, and make the decision when I am ready, and not when forced to by the honking of horns and pressures of deadlines. Sometimes I think we all need to take the time to get off the road and evaluate where we've been while we decide where to go from here. My destinations have changed over time, so the route I've taken looks circuitous, but it's been quite interesting...... I always find when I reach my destination, that it's not a destination at all, just another crossroad along the route. People come and go along the way, their routes crossing and recrossing mine, and occasionally routes converge for a while, and I have company on the way. Then those parallel routes diverge, and I am alone again, left with the memories of those who have accompanied me. I wish them well on their journey, and hope they find contentment. Right now, I am content to sit at this crossroad and peruse the maps and schedules, and imagine all the places yet to see. Soon I will choose one, and off I'll go. But for now, rest and reflection are the order of the day.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Faithful Friends....

I lost a faithful friend today....

It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but he was in so much pain it needed to be done.... I'll miss you Morgan... Thanks for keeping me company when I needed it most...