Friday, January 30, 2009

7 days and 7 hours....

...that's how long until I get on the plane... another step toward living my dream. My thoughts and prayers are always to try to do what God wants me to do; this feels so right, and I'm at peace with all the difficult decisions to be made. I read recently about hearing God's call, and what stuck with me is this definition of “call,” attributed to Frederick Buechner. “Call,” he says, “Is where your great joy meets the world’s great need.” It’s where your passion finds expression in service. When something I can teach can meet a need, it gives me great joy. When I can show love to a child, it gives me great joy. When I can do something to make someone's life a little more pleasant, it gives me great joy. It's not about me, it never has been. My great joy is to help others...

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